Before you start

  • Read the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation investment guidance(Opens in a new tab/window) (opens in new window).
  • Please provide enough information for us to review and understand your proposal.
  • Receiving your investment proposal, or discussing it with you, does not enter the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation into any binding legal obligations and should not be considered as a commitment to provide finance. Any offer of finance may only be made after extensive due diligence, formal investment approval and satisfactory documentation.
  • If you have any questions, contact us(Opens in a new tab/window) (opens in new window).

Submit your proposal

Indicates required field

Which priority areas does your proposal relate to?

Enabling capabilities include: advanced manufacturing technologies or materials technologies; artificial intelligence technologies; advanced information or communication technologies; quantum technologies; autonomous systems; robotics technologies; positioning, timing and sensing technologies; biotechnologies; space objects or products for use in, or in connection with, space objects and other advanced technologies.

You can submit proposals that relate to one or more of our seven priority areas. We cannot finance proposals for:

  • coal or natural gas extraction
  • constructing pipeline infrastructure for extracting natural gas
  • native forest logging.

Where is your project located?
Australian states and territories

Refer to the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation investment guidance (opens in new window) for more information.
500 words maximum.

Financial information

We offer debt finance, equity finance and guarantees. We do not provide grants.
500 words maximum.
We only finance proposals that can demonstrate a positive return on investment or an ability to repay debt (as applicable). 
200 words maximum.
200 words maximum.
200 words maximum.

Contact details

Key contact

  • I have read the NRFC privacy page and agree to the privacy collection statement. 
  • I consent to being contacted by the NRFC.
  • I confirm that I am authorised to submit this investment proposal on behalf of the named company.
  • I confirm that the information provided in the proposal is true and correct.